As seen on...

Are you stuck in the vicious cycle of feeling too tired to even do the things you know will make you less tired?

As a busy, working mom you deserve to have the ENERGY to do what you're here to do, and feel GREAT doing it.

Another cup of coffee isn't going to cut it...

You need to heal and nourish your body to feel truly energized!

Feeling drained, exhausted and irritable isn't just a function of poor sleep (though that's definitely a factor). Your energy levels are fueled by the choices you make all day long -- from the foods you eat, the way you take care of yourself, the way your exercise, and the supportive nutrients you supplement with.

If you just keep pounding coffee all day and "pushing through," just to crash with a glass of wine on the couch at night as the only way you can finally unwind -- you're actually going to deepen the very imbalances that are draining you of your energy.

If you're using intermittent fasting, diets, and cardio to help boost your energy, but finding that you're actually more tried, more irritable, and more anxious, there's a reason for that too.

We as women, and especially as moms, just aren't taught the energy secrets that so many traditional cultures have practices for millennia. And our hyper-caffeinated, hyper-digital, go-go-go culture has left us drained, undernourished, overstimulated and struggling.

The Bottom Line Is This:

Your chronic exhaustion is more than just being busy and stressed.

And if you don't do something about it now, the effects on your metabolism, hormones, adrenals and longevity will become harder and harder to reverse with each year.

Get Your Energy Back!

All the tools you need to have boundless energy all day long, and then sleep like a baby all night.

A step-by-step, self-guided process to uplevel your eating, movement, sleep and self-care routines (even if you have very little time) so you can experience stable, consistent energy and boosted moods all day, every day.

What you'll learn:

Everything you need to start feeling more sustained, balanced energy from day one!

  • How to maximize your sleep so that it actually restores your energy

  • Blood sugar balancing hacks that keep your energy levels sustained throughout the day

  • The exact foods to eat more of to energize your body (and the foods that are draining you)

  • How to adjust your movement routines so that they support energy instead of drain it

  • The stress reducing self-care practices that will actually restore you and re-energize you

  • The "faux" energy habits and mistakes that are actually robbing you of your energy and stressing you out!

Hear it from my clients!

“I had to share with you that I have worked up every day this week without my alarm, like a little pop tart (to your your term! LOL). I haven't needed any coffee, and found myself itching to do my daily workouts (which I did 5 days this week!).”

Emily K., NYC

“I feel such a change in my energy and mood. And I don't think I'm imagining that my jeans are fitting better! ”

Sara S., Maine

“My energy is up, my stress is down, I'm not craving that afternoon coffee or sugar fix, I even have the motivation and energy to do my workouts (which I'm loving, by the way!). This feels like whole new me!”

Maria B. NYC

Step 1: Sleeping for Sustained Energy

In this module, you'll learn:

  • How to maximize your rest to maximize your energy
  • The biggest sleep mistakes you're making (no, not just going to bed too late!)
  • 12 simple but powerful strategies for getting the best sleep of your LIFE (including the sneaky MORNING routine that will ensure better sleep at night)
  • The most effective (and safe) natural teas and sleep supplements to support you

Step 2: Eating for AMAZING Energy

In module 2, you'll learn:

  • How to nourish your body for maximum energy, all day long -- exactly what to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner!
  • The secret to banishing cravings and that 3pm energy slump
  • The biggest eating mistakes you're making, that diet culture has been leading you to believe are healthy!
  • The 8 types of food to eat MORE of each day for your energy and mood (and the 9 foods that are making you feel more exhausted, cranky, and hungry)
  • The TRUTH about coffee and energy, along with the BEST swaps, as well as how to drink coffee without the negative side effects --  if you just like the flavor (because you WON'T be needing it for energy)

Step 3: Movement for Maximum Energy

In module 3, you'll learn

  • How to move your body so that your energy and mood are maximized, without adding stress and fatigue
  • What most trainers don't tell you (and don't know) about efficient movement for the female body
  • Why you're so tired after cardio or HIIT workouts 
  • The secret to moving in sync with your cycles, so you feel amazing all month long

Step 4: Managing Your Stress to Maximize Your Energy

In Module 4, you'll learn:

  • How to lower your cortisol to raise your energy (and boost your mood!)
  • The truth about the stress --> energy connection, that nobody is talking about
  • The sneaky habits that are actually raising your stress levels (many of which might be touted as "healthy"!)
  • How to create a sustainable stress management routine, even when you have little time

Are you ready to Get Your Energy Back??

Grab the whole step-by-step protocol for a limited time sale price!

Regular Price: $99

PLUS: When you sign up now, you get nearly $200-worth of Energizing Bonuses!

Extra resources to support you in regaining your energy and taking the guesswork out of your protocol!

1. An Energizing and Mood Boosting Meal Plan

($50 value)

Delicious meals that stabilize your blood sugar, energize your body, and maximize your brain function!

2. An Energy Boosting Supplement Regimen

($50 value)

My top recommended supplements to help you naturally increase energy, decrease stress, and sleep like a baby! Plus 35% off retail prices in my online dispensary!

3. Energizing Movement & Breathwork Routines

($50 value)

Open level workouts to support your energy levels every day. Plus a 5 week movement calendar, and quick breathing exercises to boost energy and decrease stress in just 1 minute!

4: Everyday Energy Guides!

($25 value)

Two guides with all my top strategies to increase your energy in the moment -- from quick hacks, to my favorite adaptogenic latte recipes!

Ok, let's recap!

When you grab the Get Your Energy Back mini-course, you get instant access to...

  • 4 step-by-step modules that walk you through every aspect of holistically increasing your energy and boosting your mood. (Value: $250)

  • A Bonus Module exploring the deeper root causes of low energy, how to put your whole protocol together, and what to do if you need more support.

  • An energizing meal plan full of delicious recipes to give you clean, stable energy all day long. (Value: $50)

  • Energizing movement and breath work routines, plus a 5 week movement calendar with videos to give you energy without stressing your adrenals. (Value $50)

  • My supplement protocol for energy and stress, PLUS 35% off all supplements (Value: $50)

  • Two of my most popular Everyday Energy Guides to support you in the little energizing choices you're making each day! (Value: $25)

  • A $300 discount off of working with me in Greens. Grains. Gorgeous., my 12 week holistic women's wellness & healing program, designed to personally customize and support you through each step of your protocol and journey!

That's over $700 worth of energy-boosting content, tools, and resources!

And you get it all for just $99 $37!

Hi, I'm Natasha!

Women's Holistic Nutritionist & Ayurvedic Practitioner

Hi! I'm Natasha. For the last 13+ years, I have been working with women to balance their hormones, heal their digestion, and transform their bodies and their lives. 

As a holistic nutritionist, Ayurvedic practitioner and women's wellness expert, I believe that food, herbs, and healthy lifestyle habits have the power not only to heal our bodies but to expand our minds, up level our lives, and build greater happiness and fulfillment in all areas of our existence. 

I believe in the power of a good night's sleep, a hearty kale salad, and an evening of laughter with friends to nourish your soul and fuel your system from the inside out. 

But, as a business owner and mom of two myself, I also know that as busy, badass women, those things aren't always possible. So what then? This is my sweet spot. I help my clients create sustainable systems of ease in their lives, so that making the healthiest choices feels intuitive, and the world doesn't crumble if you have an indulgent dinner, or night, or weekend. 

I can't wait to support you in feeling your absolute best!

Love to you,

[email protected]
IG: @natashauspensky


  • What if I need more support?

    If you have a more complex condition, or need more support in customizing and implementing your protocol, I would love to have to join my customized healing program, Greens. Grains. Gorgeous.

    The cost of your masterclass will be deducted from the program AND you'll get a $300 discount if you enroll within 5 days of getting this course! Details below.

  • What if I already have adrenal fatigue or another condition?

    The lessons you'll learn in this masterclass will support healing any low energy condition. However, some specific imbalances do require more customized protocols to fully heal.

    I support my clients in creating a customized holistic protocol for healing these and other conditions in my program, Greens. Grains. Gorgeous.

  • Other questions?

    Email me at [email protected] or DM me on Instagram @natashauspensky with any other questions!