Start your Path Towards Healing

Ayurveda is an ancient system of holistic medicine that truly takes into account the individual needs, habits, and constitution of every body.  Through diet, movement, herbs, and lifestyle, all approached with respect to the season and your geographic location, we are able to create achieve radiant health for your entire body, mind, and spirit.

Over the course of two sessions, we will do an in depth assessment and analysis of your dosha  (Ayurvedic body type) and any imbalances you may be experiencing. We will create a personalized plan of diet, herbs, and daily routines to help you feel balanced, energized, and thriving.

Together, we'll focus on...

  • The most effective tools to get you results in your health and life ASAP

  • What foods to eat for your individual body type that will help you feel light, energized, and healthy

  • Specific herbs that will support your body and goals

  • A handful of key self-care practices that will give you the most bang for your buck

  • Key strategies for implementation that will help you get out of your own way

Your Sessions Include...

  • A 90 min Initial Strategy Session

    To delve into your health history, set effective goals and outline your plan

  • A 60 min Check In Session

    To track your progress and make modifications to your protocol

  • A Customized Meal Plan

    With easy to follow recipes and shopping lists

  • A Customized Action Plan

    With specific foods, movement routines, lifestyle modifications and supplements to heal your imbalances

  • Email support between sessions

    To answer questions and get support

  • Discounted Access to Long Term Support

    Discounted access to the full Greens. Grains. Gorgeous. program when you're ready, or if you need more support with implementation

The Strategy Sessions are for you if...

  • You are curious about how to start using Ayurvedic wisdom and medicine in your life, but don't know where to start

  • You feel like you just need a clear-cut plan on how to eat and what lifestyle practices will actually work for you

  • You're sick of constantly searching online for the next diet or quick fix that will help you feel better and regain control over your health

  • You are self-motivated and ready to take action

  • You feel like you don't have the time right now to take on a longer, more involved commitment

They aren't for you if...

  • You have deep-rooted health concerns or issues that need more attention

  • You would benefit from more support and a longer-term approach

  • You have trouble motivating yourself

  • You struggle with sticking to goals you've set

  • If the above apply to you, you will get the support you need in Greens. Grains. Gorgeous.!


Payment plan options available.

Take the First Step Towards Your Deep Healing

Starting Today!