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Feeling healthy, energized, light and balanced as a busy professional mom can be TOUGH.

Especially today, when social media is constantly throwing at you completely unrealistic ideals of what your body and life should look like -- and completely contradictory approaches to getting yourself there!

If you're like most of my clients before they start working with me, then you're probably feeling FRUSTRATED, FED UP, CONFUSED, and DEFLATED.

How in the world are you supposed to have time for parenting, work, self-care, exercise, cooking and eating healthy, attending to your relationship, and keeping it all together?

Sometimes, it feels like the only solution is just to give up, throw in the towel, and dig into that pint of ice cream, right?

Most women think that to get the body, health, energy & life they want, they have to DIET, RESTRICT, and WORK HARD, but the truth is this:

True wellness is easy.  It's intuitive.  It's self-reinforcing.  

The reason why it all feels so hard is because of the underlying imbalances in your body that are keeping you STUCK.

The hormonal, metabolic, adrenal, constitutional, digestive issues that have gone untreated for so long, that you hardly remember a time when you didn't have them.

Which of these have you been experiencing?

The most common symptoms of systemic imbalance that my clients have before starting our work together...

  • You're gaining weight, year over year, and no diet seems to make any sustainable difference.

  • You are exhausted all the time, too tired to stick to an exercise routine or cook healthy meals at home.

  • You are irritable and anxious, not able to show up the way you want to at home, in your family, or at work.

  • You're chronically stressed out, but feel like you don't have the time or energy to prioritize self-care.

  • You experience PMS, mood swings, cravings and fatigue in the weeks before your period.

  • You feel bloated, gassy, and irregular, and you're not sure what is triggering it.

  • You're noticing other unwanted changes, like thinning hair, aches and pains, brain fog, and trouble sleeping.

If these sound familiar, you're not alone, and it's not your fault!

YOU haven't failed at that last diet, detox, challenge, or trend -- THEY failed you.

One-size-fits-all approaches or conventional Western medical models aren't designed for root cause healing.

And with all the misinformation and conflicting information out there, it's no wonder that the things you have tried didn't stick!

Everyone is likely telling you something different...

"Eat less, exercise more!"

"Cut your carbs!" "Count your calories!"

"Try keto!" "Do HIIT workouts!" 

"Intermittent fast for 16 hours!"

It's enough to drive you crazy.  And it can stop TODAY.

The cold, hard truth is this:

Until you heal your underlying imbalances, NOTHING will change. 

Your weight will keep creeping up year after year; your stress will keep mounting; your symptoms will keep worsening...  

You can try the latest IT diet, the hottest fitness trends, the most talked about supplements on social media... 

But if you don't have a holistic healing protocol, that is customized for your constitution, your symptoms, your imbalances, and your lifestyle, you're going to keep hitting the same wall, feeling the same frustrations, and possibly even creating an even deeper imbalance in your body.

I've helped hundreds of women heal the specific underlying imbalances that are keeping them STUCK, and I'm so excited to help you too.


A one-of-a kind 12-week hybrid 1:1 & group program, where you will HEAL your beautiful body through a combination of Ayurvedic holistic healing and the latest evidence based functional medicine practices.

Experience a complete transformation of your energy, hormones, waistline, mood, and lifestyle... Going from TIRED, HEAVY and STUCK, to ENERGIZED, LIGHT, and RADIANT.

  • You'll discover the exact foods and lifestyle changes that make YOU feel fabulous, look radiant, and shed excess weight.

  • You'll discover ways to deal with life's ups and downs without resorting to eating an entire chocolate bar or drinking a bottle of wine.

  • You'll learn to move your body in ways that make you feel amazing (and don't involve hours at the gym).

  • You'll learn the simple, proven tools that will decrease your inflammation, balance your hormones, decrease stress, and boost your metabolism.

  • You'll learn how to detoxify your whole life, from the lotion on your skin and the foods in your pantry, to your relationships, your closet, and your home.

Kickstart: The Gorgeous YOU Holistic Cleanse

During your Cleanse, you'll learn:

  • The fastest way to jumpstart your metabolism, detoxify your body, and kickstart your transformation!
  • The delicious daily recipes, detoxifying yoga routines, and holistic cleansing tips to get you results FAST

Module 1: How to Eat for Life

Inside Module 1, you'll learn...

  • The single most important shift you'll make to your eating that will liberate you from dieting (forever), balance your body, burn fat, increase energy, improve sleep, and help you feel your absolute best!
  • Why the scale is the LEAST important metric to use on your weight loss journey, and what to do instead.
  • How to discover your unique mind-body constitution and specific areas of imbalance!

Module 2: Becoming Your Own Holistic Healer

In Module 2, you'll learn:

  • The ancient Ayurvedic secrets clinically proven to heal your body, mind, and spirit
  • The exact foods, lifestyle practices and tools that are going to bring YOUR body back into balance
  • Workouts and meditations tailored to your constitution

Module 3: What Are You Really Craving

Inside Module 3, you'll learn...

  • The TRUTH about those insatiable cravings for sugar and carbs that are keeping you from reaching your goals
  • How to eliminate cravings without restriction, discipline and a "dieting" mindset
  • The sneaky habits that are increasing your cravings and sabotaging your results

Module 4: Becoming A Blood Sugar Maven

In Module 4, you'll learn:

  • How to eat carbs without gaining weight, feeling sluggish or ballooning up
  • The SECRET to balanced energy and mood all day long
  • The truth about insulin resistance after age 35, and how to prevent and reverse it
  • How to intermittent fast the RIGHT way for your body, so you get all the benefits without experiencing thinning hair, PMS, fatigue, and irritability

Module 5: So SICK of STRESS

Inside Module 5, you'll learn...

  • How to FINALLY get a handle on your stress, so you can show up the way you're meant to in your life
  • The easiest ways to lower stress throughout your day, even if you're busy, have kids around, and have no time
  • The clinically PROVEN stress management method that takes just 10 minutes a day.
  • PLUS movement, guided meditations and simple breathwork to lower your stress in no time.

Module 6: I LOVE The Way I Move (The WWY Framework)

In Module 6, you'll learn:

  • How to starting building muscle, burning fat, decreasing stress and boosting your mood in just 10-30 min a day , without a gym membership, HIIT workouts, or any movement you hate
  • The sneaky fitness habit that's increasing your stress and cravings
  • How to customize your movement routines for your unique constitution
  • What your trainer hasn't told you (because they likely don't know) about moving WITH your menstrual cycle

Module 7: Food As Medicine  (Becoming a Culinary Sorceress)

Inside Module 7, you'll learn...

  • The secret to eating mindfully that helps you feel fuller longer, decreases cravings, boosts digestion and keeps you satisfied!
  • The magical, super healing substances hiding out in your pantry, that will keep you and your family healthy all year long
  • The BEST herbs and spices to use every day for YOUR unique constitution

Module 8: Unleashing Your Organic Beauty

In Module 8, you'll learn:

  • The sneaky ingredients hiding out in your pantry and home that are giving you PMS, causing fat storage, and increasing your risk of disease
  • The NASTY TRUTH the beauty industry doesn't want you to know
  • How to get glowing, gorgeous skin, without chemicals or toxins
  • Crafting your customized daily routines for optimal self-care, nourishment and pleasure

Module 9: Do What You Love, Love What You Do

Inside Module 9, you'll learn...

  • How to discover your dharma (your true calling in life) so that you feel excited and energized by your work
  • What your unique constitution tells you about your ideal career or work environment
  • The secret to mastering your time so you can get everything done without overwhelm and stress

Module 10: Accessing Your Amazing Relationships

In Module 10, you'll learn:

  • How to get the support you need, without feeling demanding
  • The simple 4 step process to taking all your relationships to the next level
  • The #1 tool to decrease relational stress and dissatisfaction
  • What your doctor won't tell you about your declining libido, and how to get it back!

Module 11: Embodying Your Gorgeous Goddess

Inside Module 11, you'll learn...

  • How to start showing up in your life as the woman you WANT to be
  • The secret to identifying what you want most in your life, and how to make it your reality NOW, regardless of your circumstances
  • Simple tools and practices to build your self-confidence

Module 12: Your Gorgeous Life Experience Week

In Module 12, you will:

  • Experience the culmination of all your learning and commitment to your healing and pleasure
  • Learn the biggest (and simplest) secret to fulfillment and happiness
  • Feel the benefits of prioritizing your own needs and living in true alignment with your body, which will cement your whole new relationship to yourself!

Program Investment Options

Learn how to get a $300 Fast Action Discount when you book your call!

  • Pay In Full

    Receive $300 off when you pay in full! You can use a card, PayPal, or Cash App!

    FSA/HSA coverage available.

  • Installment Plans

    $497 a month for 4 months (no interest). EXTENDED financing options as low as $100 a month are available for those who need them (see below).

  • GGG+

    The complete program PLUS six one-on-one sessions for $2497. Payment plan also available.

    FSA/HSA coverage available.

PLUS Over $2000-worth of Gorgeous Bonuses!

Everything you need to ensure your success and results

The 12 main modules of GGG are going to completely transform your health and wellness... But that's just the beginning!

When you join GGG, you also get 4 HUGE Bonus Bundles to take your healing to an even deeper level, with faster and easier results...

Bonus #1: Three One-on-One Transformational Strategy Sessions with me!

$1500 value

We will meet for three 1:1 calls to go deep into your health history and unique circumstances, talk about ways to maximize your success, break through any blocks, customize your experience for the program, and set more customized goals for moving forward.  

Sessions include...

  • personalized eating and wellness strategies, designed for YOUR unique constitution
  • a customized herb/supplement protocol, tailored to YOUR symptoms and imbalances
  • specially selected healing tools to support you in your healing journey
  • transformational coaching, to support you in breaking through any challenges you're experiencing

Bonus #2: Two Week Gorgeous You Kickstart Cleanse

$250 value

We'll kickstart your progress the moment you enroll with my signature Gorgeous You Holistic Cleanse

You will...

  • Detoxify your body and your mind from the foods and behaviors that are keeping you stuck, sluggish, and SO frustrated
  • Identify the specific sensitivities that are behind your symptoms
  • Start healing your gut, hormones and metabolism 
  • Kickstart your new healthy habits with daily detoxifying yoga and cleansing lifestyle tips

At the end of the two weeks, my clients feel lighter, leaner, and ready to transition into a whole new way of eating and living!

Bonus #3: Access to my Healing Masterclass Library

$400+ value

Get access to my entire library of healing masterclasses, featuring deep dives into specific areas of focus with your health, like...

  • Get Your Energy Back: The exact steps to reclaim your energy, for more focus, boosted mood, and the capacity to get it all done, every day!

  • Your Perfect Periods: A super deep dive into the specific tools and strategies to balance your hormones, eliminate PMS, and have the perfect periods that are your birthright!

  • F*ck Those Fibroids: My signature protocol for healing fibroids and minimizing the uncomfortable symptoms that they cause!

  • And more!

Each masterclass features a specific healing protocol, meal plan, movement and self-care practices, and recommended supplements to address each focus area!

Bonus #4: One Month of the Gorgeous VIP Membership!

$200 Value

A free month of implementation, continued support and next level content in my Gorgeous VIP membership!  Everything you need to keep your progress going, work out any remaining kinks or challenges, and make sure your new healthy habits are fully established before heading out on your own.

So, let's RECAP!

When you join Greens. Grains. Gorgeous., you get access to 12 weekly GGG training modules -- a completely personalized holistic healing protocol, videos, weekly action steps, cheat sheets, and tools that transform you from heavy, tired and stuck to LIGHT, ENERGIZED and RADIANT. (Value: $3000)

  • PLUS you get 3 1:1 Strategy Sessions with me to go deep into your personal plan for wellness, craft your customized supplementation protocol, and to support you in breaking through any blocks that are keeping you stuck. (Value: $1500)

  • Weekly coaching/Q&A calls to answer questions, keep you motivated, and support you through every step of your transformation. (Value: $2000)

  • Weekly workouts, meditations, supplementary resources and transformational action steps. (Value: $700)

  • 24/7 support via our private Facebook group, and access to me via email or DM for any pressing issues. (Value: $500)

  • Instant access to the Two Week Kickstart Holistic Cleanse, where you'll detoxify your body and mind, jumpstart your metabolism, and feel lighter, leaner and ready to glow! (Value: $250)

  • Not to mention, you get instant access to my entire library of masterclasses, mini courses, and holistic healing protocols! (Value: $400+)

  • 35% discounts on herbs and functional supplements that are customized for YOUR unique goals, constitution and imbalances. (Value: $150)

  • Discounted access to optional functional medicine testing to go deeper into what's keeping you stuck; PLUS lab reviews and analysis by me.

  • PLUS, the GGG Cookbook and bonus customizable meal plans that take all the guesswork out of what to eat. I've compiled all my favorite recipes that slim, energize, detoxify, and keep you satisfied! (Value: $450)

  • AND The GGG Transformational Journal, complete with powerful prompts to help you go deep into your relationship with food, your body, your relationships, your career, and more! (Value: $50)

That makes everything you get in GGG worth nearly $9000!


Core Transformational 


Next Level Support 

(+3 months private coaching)

The 12 Weekly Transformational Modules ($3000 value)
Weekly LIVE Group Coaching Calls ($2000 value) 
2 Week Holistic Kickstart Cleanse ($250 value)
Access to Healing Masterclass Library ($400+ value)
Custom Healing Protocol ($500 value)
Weekly workouts and meditations
Access to Healing Meal Plan Library
Lifetime Access to the GGG FB Page (Priceless)
3 1:1 Strategy Sessions ($1500 value)
6 Bonus 1:1 Coaching Calls ($2000 value)
2 Free Months GGG VIP upon completion of the program ($500 value)
Customized GGG Wellness Essentials Goodie Bag ($150 value)


4 Installments of:
OR 1 payment of $1687

Payment Plans available

What GGG Members Have to Say

“So thankful I found you, I really believe the universe sent me to you as this has been exactly what I needed instead of another fad diet or even the weight loss medication I was considering. None of that would have actually helped heal the issues with food the way you have ❤️ I have really seen my body shape start changing which is so great! It is also so nice not to be using food as my coping mechanism anymore. ❤️❤️”

Sara S. Maine

I LOVE GGG!! Knowing myself as I do, I thought I might start out strong and then flake out but that's not the case. I feel like everything I have been learning so far has opened my mind and changed my way of life. [Halfway through the program] my digestion is SO much better! I have dropped some weight (about 10 pounds) my skin looks better (my cheeks are less pink) and my mood and overall well-being is lighter. I love the weekly modules and I look forward to watching them. I think it's the perfect amount of info, delivered in a fun and interesting way. I was thinking today that even though I have the modules on video, I'm going to miss you when this is all over!”

Maria B., NYC

“I really enjoyed the program and feel like I took away a lot of good lessons. I really enjoy your style and, even though the program is meant for a group, felt like you were talking right to me! I guess I have some common issues - lol! I feel as though I have made positive steps towards a more healthy and vibrant life. I have learned building blocks that I will hopefully carry with me for the rest of my life. ”

- Brooke H., Boston

I absolutely loved going through GGG with you! It was so jam-packed with information and really simple actionable steps, that I came out of it feeling like I really have a true understanding of what my body needs to be healthy, and exactly how to do it! Thanks for being such a wonderful source of support! (Oh and please never apologize for the f-bombs. You're hilarious and I love how down-to-earth you are!)”

Meg C., NYC

“"Inflammation down, drinking now MAYBE once a week, nutrition in check, new career, marriage the best it has been and finally just happy in my own skin.... I am blown away by myself everyday still with what I have been capable of and the drive and determination that has kept me chugging along...

So thankful for Natasha Uspensky and this program. It literally saved me. ♥️"”

Nicole P., Maine

“It’s been nearly a month, I’d say the first week felt a little weird, everything seemed to be adjusting! But I can confidently say that I’ve committed to all of my supplement plan, I’ve eliminated coffee, I drink Rasa in the morning with breakfast and around 3pm. I am sticking strongly to only 3 filling, balanced meals per day and fasting 12-14 hours per night. And I am Not. Hungry. I look forward to my meals and I feel completely full and satisfied. No cravings, my blood sugar feels balanced and I can’t believe I was ever snacking before!"”

Nicole S., Newport Beach

“Feeling better about myself, noticing subtle differences. Taking it all in again. All life has to offer. Recognizing cravings and trying to identify their root cause.

Being even more conscious in general about myself, my body, my movement, everything I ingest: food, social media, music, stress, etc. Managing to get a minimum of 1 act of self love every week has been big. This week it was buying flowers for the garden AND getting them in the ground the same day.....oh and two throwing away 2 shirts I had that I didn't feel comfortable in anymore.”

Tatiana P.

“I really appreciate everything that you have answered/supported and helped guide me through along this journey...so THANK YOU for being such a great mentor and guru during these first 6 weeks!

I have seen so many drastic changes in my life/health in a short amount of time and I am grateful to have stumbled upon you via social media. I look forward to refining and honing in on being the best version of myself! Side note: You should write a book!”

Kathryn W., MD

Are you ready to take control of your health and start feeling your best?

The time is now. You're done waiting to start living. You deserve this. Let's start your journey together today! Click below to schedule your call!

Who I Am and How I Can Help

Natasha Uspensky, chhc, ahc

Hi! I'm Natasha. For the last 13+ years, I have been working with women to balance their hormones, heal their digestion, and transform their bodies and their lives. 

As a holistic nutritionist, Ayurvedic practitioner and women's wellness expert, I believe that food, herbs, and healthy lifestyle habits have the power not only to heal our bodies but to expand our minds, up level our lives, and build greater happiness and fulfillment in all areas of our existence. 

I believe in the power of a good night's sleep, a hearty kale salad, and an evening of laughter with friends to nourish your soul and fuel your system from the inside out. 

But, as a business owner and mom of two myself, I also know that as busy, badass women, those things aren't always possible. So what then? This is my sweet spot. I help my clients create sustainable systems of ease in their lives, so that making the healthiest choices feels intuitive, and the world doesn't crumble if you have an indulgent dinner, or night, or weekend. 

I can't wait to support you in feeling your absolute best!

Love to you,

[email protected]
IG: @natashauspensky


Some commonly asked questions about the GGG experience!

  • How is this program different from all the other diets and wellness programs out there?

    My approach to nutrition and holistic health is VERY different from what you'll find elsewhere. I don't subscribe to a one-size-fits-all methodology where everyone does the same thing. Throughout each module, I give you specific ways to customize the material to your unique body-mind type and health concerns so you know you're doing what's right for YOU. Additionally, this program doesn't just focus on nutrition or lifestyle or movement. We take into account ALL areas of your life that are impacting your health and happiness, which is the only way to enact real, lasting change. You will not find any macro tracking, calorie counting, intensive cardio, or expensive and time-consuming wellness trends. This is real-life wellness, for real, busy women!

  • What can I expect once I enroll in GGG?

    The moment you'll enroll, you'll get access to the Welcome and Kickstart Cleanse Modules, as well as the Private GGG FB Group, and everything you need to get started. You'll also receive a link to schedule your 1:1 Kickoff Call so we can create all of your program customizations, personalized supplementation protocol, and more! You can start your Kickstart Cleanse whenever you feel ready. Most people wait to start Module 1 of the program until they have completed their cleanse. Once you start, a new module and set of weekly action steps will be released every week! We will also have a Q&A/Coaching call each week that you can join as needed!

  • How quickly will I start to see results?

    As with anything, what you put into the process is what you'll get out. Most women see results like weight loss, improved digestion and increased energy after completing the 2-week cleanse, and then continue building on those results throughout the program. Longer term results, like easier periods, decrease in stress and inflammation, and clearer skin can often be seen within 1-2 months, but that does depend on your unique physiology and how closely you follow the weekly action steps.

  • I have failed so many times before, how do I know this time will be different?

    First of all, it wasn't YOU that failed. It was the APPROACH that you tried. Most of the common diets out there (calorie-counting, points, Keto, macro-tracking) are not sustainable long-term, and do nothing to address the underlying imbalances that are causing your symptoms to begin with. ALL of the women that come to work with me have tried many diets and approaches in the past, and they ALL express how different, sustainable, and easy the GGG Method is by comparison!

  • What if I have a specific health concern?

    Throughout the modules, we cover the most common health concerns facing most women -- digestive disorders, hormonal imbalance (and the resulting health problems like PCOS, fibroids, endometriosis, PMS), chronic stress and fatigue, skin issues, and weight gain. If you have more specific concerns, we'll address them in our 1:1 Strategy Session at the beginning of the program, as well as on the weekly Q&A/Coaching Calls. I also record special bonus content and masterclasses that focus on specific health concerns, as they become relevant in the group! Lastly, there is an entire library of Holistic Protocols that is constantly being updated to address the needs of our GGG members!

  • How is this different from working with you 1:1?

    The online program allows you more flexibility in terms of when you complete the content throughout the week, and is also designed to be more intensive than a longer 1:1 program. You get all the same information, tools, and strategies that I share with clients in my 6 month 1:1 program, but at a fraction of the price and with much faster results. If you need more 1:1 support than the core program offers, I recommend GGG+, where you get 6 1:1 sessions in addition to the core program.

  • My life is just so busy. Will I have time for this?

    This program is designed for busy women who lead busy lives. The program content takes about an hour a week to get through, which you can get to on your own time, when it's best for you! However, I would also call attention to the fact that this feeling of busy-ness is why so many women neglect their health, bodies, and happiness. So throughout the program, we work together to CREATE more space in your life for the things that matter most -- specific, efficient and effective actions that help you feel HAPPIER, HEALTHIER, more GROUNDED, and ENERGIZED.

  • Do you offer a guarantee?

    If you don't absolutely LOVE the program and the results you're starting to see in your body within 30 days, and you have attended all the coaching calls, and fully implemented your custom protocol, you can submit your food tracker and journals from the first 4 weeks of the program to receive a full refund. I do this because I am 100% confident that if you follow the weekly action steps and make the changes I teach you, you WILL see results.

  • Have other questions?

    Email us at [email protected] or send me a DM on Instagram (@natashauspensky)